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The registration of readers makes it possible to read and move the records sent by the reader within the system, if the record by the reader is sent to the system and it is not registered, the record sent will not be considered.



DescriptionReader DescriptionString30Yes
IPReader's IP on the network (this field will be used to identify the reader at each reading)IP45Yes
DoorReader connection portString30Yes
TypeReader Model TypeSelection-Yes
Connection TypeNetwork connection typeSelection-No
SectionRFID Reader SectionSelection-No
IP(s) Sending AlertsIP for sending alerts for each reading performed (more than one IP can be added, separated by a comma)IP400No
Enable BuzzerTurn on RFID module buzzerSelection-No
Enable EPC MaskEnable EPC mask for the reader, when activating this option the mask fields will be enabled for configurationSelection-No
Mask AddrEPC Mask AddressString6No
Mask LenEPC Mask SizeString6No
Mask DataEPC mask to filter the tag at each readingString100No
StatusProduct status in the system, when deactivated, the record will not be displayed in filters and optionsSelection-Yes