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The company registration provides a specific database for each registration, it is possible to have control of all resources individually for the registered company.


Company Name : company name.

Finance Name : trade name of the company.

CNPJ : CNPJ of the company.

Enrollment Municipal : municipal registration of the company.

Enrollment State : state registration of the company.

GS1 Company Prefix : standardizes the generation of EPC codes generated in this company based on GS1 standards.

Evasion Control Area : selects the control area where EPCs will be sent for evasion.

Use Cross Reference : uses cross references registered in the company.

Master : marks company as principal.

Show Registered Items Only : displays only the items registered in the company.

CEP : ZIP code of the company address.

State : state referring to the company's address.

City : city referring to the company address.

Address : street address of the company.

Bairro : neighborhood referring to the company address.

Number : number referring to the company address.

Sidebar Background : configures the menu in the system.

Sidebar Text Color : configures the text color in the system menu.

Status : indicates if the company is active or inactive.