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Installation and Positioning

Large Support Fixation

  • To fix and install the large bracket, follow the steps below:


Medium Support Fixation

  • On the medium support, its fixation is only done on walls and flat surfaces. Below how to fix and adjust its two angles:


Fixing Small Support

  • In the small support, its fixation is only made on walls and flat surfaces. Below how to fix and adjust its two angles:


Tablet Support Fixation

  • In the tablet support, its fixation is made in flat surfaces such as walls and forklift structure.Below how to fix and adjust your two angles:


Antenna Positioning

To effectively position the antenna so that the reading takes place without problems, we must take into account the polarization of the antenna. The polarization will give us the opening angle information of the signal, so we know how much of our environment the signal from the antenna will cover, and we also get the sense of polarization, if linear, the antenna must be positioned in the correct direction aligned to the tag, if circular, it does not matter the orientation as long as the front of the antenna is facing the reading area.

  • To position linear antennas, if the tags pass through the antenna horizontally, position the Viaonda logo on the antenna horizontally.

  • If it is vertical, position the Viaonda logo vertically to be aligned with the tag

    img Horizontal

    img Vertical