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Technical specifications

  • Supported protocols:
    • ISO18000-6C (EPC C1G2)
    • ISO18000-6B
  • Approved by Anatel.
  • The M-ID10W is a UHF WiFi RFID module that allows you to read and write tags.
  • Operates in the bands established by Anatel, from 902 to 907Mhz and from 915.1 to 928Mhz.
  • It has 1 internal antenna of 7.5dBic.
  • Comes with command guide, sample software and SDK for Delphi, C#, C++ and Java.
  • Maximum reading distance of 2m using 26dBm power with Impinj E41 tag
  • Maximum reading speed in inventory mode: 50pcs/second.
  • Maximum operating Temperature: -10º to +80ºc
  • Maximum RF power: 26dBm
  • Communication: WiFi with option for additional outputs: RS232, TTL.
  • Factory Settings
    • Wireless Network Settings
    • Mode of Operation: Access Point
    • SSID Network Name (WiFi): mid10-xxxxxxxx (x = reader's unique ID)
    • Access password (WiFi): viaondarfid
    • Connection Port: 5000
    • IP: / /
    • General Parameters
      • Administration Page:
      • Admin username and password: admin/admin
      • Print RFID RX data in Serial Debug: Disabled
      • Print RFID TX data in Serial Debug: Disabled
      • Debug Mode: Disabled
      • Save Debug SD Card: Disabled
      • Adjust Time (Unix): [empty]
      • Keep Alive: Disabled
  • RF settings
    • Operation Mode: Answer Mode
    • Buzzer: On
    • Post Trigger Reading Interval: 1 second
    • Tag reading interval: Disabled
    • Power of the Antennas: 26dBm
    • Session: 0
    • Discard Repeated Tag: Disabled
    • Send Tag EPC to TTL/RS232 auxiliary output: Disabled
    • Baudrate: 57600
    • Save Read Tags to SD Card: Disabled
    • Keep output active for...: Disabled
    • EPC Mask: Disabled
    • EPC Mask Hex: [empty]
    • Exclusion list (1 EPC per line): [empty]
  • Web Service Settings
    • Send EPC to URL: [empty]
    • SSL certificate: [empty]
    • Send parameters to Front end: Disabled
    • API Token: [empty]
    • Company ID: [empty]
  • Operation as Access Point or WorkStation
  • Trigger to start reading
  • Sending reading to Web service
  • Output pulse timer
  • Input pulse timer
  • Recording of read tags on Micro SD Card (Up to 64Gb)
  • Web service for collecting and cleaning the Micro SD Card
  • GPIO control by Web service
  • Reading Status GPIO Input by Web service
  • Download of the tag reading file in TXT format
  • RTC - Real Time - Recording of the date and time in the reading file both in the Buffer and in the Micro SD Card
  • Tag Filter (Mask)
  • Black List (Blocked Tags)
  • Supply Voltage: 5v DC
  • Dimensions:
    • Front: 195x195mm
    • Height: 195mm
    • Bracket: 108.01mm Inner Width/150mm Outer Width
    • Depth w/ Reader: 90.19mm
    • Depth w/ Support: 251.48
    • Reader Box: 99.88mm Height/119.84 Height w/ Cable Press



  • Full 1 year warranty for manufacturing defects.


  • Considering that the equipment has not been subjected to impacts, falls or incorrect handling, it has a useful life of approximately 5 years indoors and 3 years outdoors (with exposure to sun, rain, heat and humidity, unless the necessary protections are provided).

Dispose and Recycle

  • The product is made of aluminum parts, ABS plastic and electronic components containing silicon. Most of these materials are recyclable and can be reused. In the case of disposal, we strongly recommend that you do not throw it in the residential trash, on the contrary, send us the material with the proper identification of MATERIAL FOR DISPOSAL and we will make the correct forwarding for each type of material that can be recycled.