The vehicles registration provides a specific database for each registration, it is possible to have control of all the people vehicles for the place where it is applied.
Field | Description | Type | Size | Required |
ID | Vehicle identification | Integer | - | Yes |
Plate | License plate | String | 45 | Yes |
Template | Select vehicle model | Number | - | No |
Brand | Select vehicle make | Number | - | No |
Person | Select vehicle owner | Number | - | No |
Chassis | Identifies vehicle chassis | String | 50 | No |
Chassis Type | Identifies vehicle chassis type | String | 50 | No |
Renvam | Identifies vehicle chassis | String | 50 | No |
Inner Color | Identifies the vehicle's interior color | String | 50 | No |
External Color | Identifies the vehicle's external color | String | 50 | No |
Exchange | Identifies the type of transmission of the vehicle | String | 50 | No |
Fuel | Identifies the vehicle's fuel type | String | 50 | No |
KM | Identifies km driven by the vehicle | Number | - | No |
Description | Additional vehicle information | String | 300 | No |
Status | Active or Inactive | Boolean | 300 | No |