The registration of personal data of the company's employees, this provides a specific database for each registration, it is possible to have control of all people individually for the place where it is applied.
Field | Description | Type | Size | Required |
ID | person identification | Integer | - | Yes |
Code | registration number | Number | 45 | Yes |
Name | Person's full name | String | 150 | No |
Plant | person's location | String | 50 | No |
Section | Employee's operating sector | String | 50 | No |
EPC | Employee identification tag | String | 100 | No |
Status | Active or Inactive | Bool | - | Yes |
Gender | person's gender | String | 1 | No |
CPF | Individual registration | String | 14 | No |
DDI | international direct dialing | String | 3 | No |
DDD | Direct Distance Dialing | String | 3 | No |
Phone | Phone number | String | 40 | No |
Registration | enrollment code | String | 45 | No |
Department | Employee Operation Department ID | Number | - | No |
photo | Facial identification file | Image | wdt=500; hgt=500 | No |