The local registration provides a specific database for each registration, it is possible to have control of all the resources individually for the registered company.
Field | Description | Type | Size | Required |
ID | Cost Identification | Integer | - | Yes |
Code | Local identification number | Number | - | No |
Description | Site Description | String | 100 | No |
Address | Site Address | String | 100 | No |
Parents | Country of the place | String | 100 | No |
Neighborhood | Location neighborhood | String | 100 | No |
Number | Site number | Number | - | No |
Complement | Site add-on | String | 200 | No |
City | Location City | String | 200 | No |
State | Location State | String | 100 | No |
zip code | Location zip code | String | 100 | No |
Status | Active or Inactive | Boolean | - | Yes |