The evasion record carries out a database control with records of products that were lost in the stock for whatever reason, it is possible to have control of all evasions individually for the place where it is applied.
Field | Description | Type | Size | Required |
ID | Product Identification | Integer | - | Yes |
Product | Product to be forwarded for evasion | Number | - | Yes |
EPC | Identification tag code | String | 45 | Yes |
Item Reference | Item to be referenced in evasion | String | 45 | Yes |
Serial product | Product Serial Code | String | 45 | Yes |
Person | Person who made the evasion | Number | - | Yes |
Evasion date | Registration date | Date | - | No |
Reader | Reader model used | Number | - | No |
Antenna | Antenna model used | Number | 4 | No |
ID antenna | Used antenna identification | Number | - | No |
Note | Notes regarding this evasion | String | 300 | No |
Reading | Reading performed in evasion | Number | - | No |
Tag movement | Busy tag | Number | - | No |